Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm sorry I've been so quiet....

Things are super busy at work, will post a weekend blog later or tomorrow

Happy Tuesday!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Last night I had a crazy and very scary nightmare. I was on a mission and it involved catching up to someone (unknown) that was for some or other reason ‘bad’. But then when I caught up to them it turned out they were good and I had to help them with something (it’s all very vague as dreams are wont to be).

I ended up with this person at a poolside and saw my friend lovely Se and her new boyfriend. I realised that the person I was with was attempting to seduce her boyfriend and I was the one who brought them together. I was shocked and as I moved towards them I knocked a cat into the water of the pool. He sank to the bottom and me being the animal-lover I am dived in after the fur-ball. Only thing was that as I reached the bottom I realised I was too drunk to swim and ended up almost drowning with the cat in my arms. Slowly (painstakingly slowly) I walked my way to the shallow end of the pool and could eventually climb out – the cat was limp and lifeless and my heart dropped. I lay it down and tried to revive it. I then realised it wasn’t a cat at all but lovely Se’s boyfriend!

Boy did I panic. I started giving him mouth-to-mouth and frantically pushing down on his chest and when he eventually coughed up the liquids in his lungs it was blood. It went everywhere – all over him and me. And then I woke up…

I went to see Machete last night so that kinda explains the gruesiddity of my dream but man oh man was it yuck.

Have you had any nightmares lately?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Busy busy busy

Tonight I’m going to the Sketch Assembly exhibition in town at the Michaelis School of Fine Art. Am super excited.

If you’re in and around Cape Town you should come too! Check out the event details on the Between10and5 website here.

Also, a friend of mine is doing his final year at the Silwood Kitchen School of Cookery and he has invited the lovely drummer and I to his final exam. It’s a semi-formal sit-down lunch, and he told me that it’s going to be a psychedelic culinary experience. Erhm, very excited and only a little nervous – as the lovely Se has said before, I’m not the most adventurous palate.

And then it’s off to the Labia on Wednesday night with the lovely Se and the wonderful Meh for our fix of Horrorfest…we’re going to watch MACHETE. I’m the biggest scaredy cat so I hope it’s not too bad…

Are you doing anything interesting this week?

Ps it’s the lovely drummer boy’s birthday this Sunday, I can wait to spoil him with breakfast in bed, kisses and just all-round pampering. Love you drummer boy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The weekend that was

I love weekends. That’s all I’m going to say. Other than this weekend I…

+ Helped the lovely drummer with his sound project
+ Went to the Lightly Salted exhibition
+ Had a really big and really late night on Friday (we got home at 5am!)
+ Bought the lovely drummer his birthday present
+ Went to a hot tip galvanising plant and had a personal tour
+ Remembered how much I love Maroon 5’s first album
+ Went clothes shopping and bought a pair of sunnies, tights, a plain white shirt, an awesome loose-fitting jersey and a pretty top
+ Said a sad goodbye to my aunt
+ Chilled with THE prettiest Guinea Pig
+ Hurt my back (again) and cried (again)
+ Had my Marja look after me just like when I was six and sick (thanks mom)
+ Helped lovely drummer clean his room (BIG job)
+ Met the fattest most fattest cat ever!
+ Had tequilas.

What did you do this weekend?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Playing at the Castle

So my friend Boomslang got the keys to the castle last week. Literally. He got the keys to the Cape Town castle and we (and by we I actually mean you and me – it was a public event) were invited to attend the exhibition of their work.

Boomslang works for the Zamani Project…and if you don’t know about this project and are an indigenous African then I super suggest you go check out their website here.

They create the data for the African Cultural Heritage and Landscape Database… the team go on these exciting expeditions to all the unknown heritage sites in Africa where they measure, photograph and do all sorts of other things to collect data about the specific site. Then, once they have all the necessary data they create an exact 3D image of the site as a referral to whomever will be maintaining the site in the years to come.

What. An. Amazing. Job. Right?

Anyways seeing as we were going to le castle I decided to wear one of my violently-loved seaquin dress/tops…yay! Here are a few fun pics of our evening spent at le castle (I just had to say it again).

The best part is that Boomslang has agreed to do an interview about the Zamani project for my blog (yay me!) It will (hopefully) be up soon soon (read: next year week).


ps i love seaquins *squeals*

Biscuit Mill Saturday Market

So my aunt is down (or up...or sideways) from San Francisco and we all decided to go to the Biscuit Mill for a chilled morning browse through the shops, stalls and (most importantly) the foooooood.

It was my first time ever and I had an...interesting experience. First off everyone, and i mean EVERyone, there is dressed to kill in their leather-like boots, indie hats and vintage dresses but jeesh the overall attitude of the place played havoc with my hippy-go-lucky vibe.

But also, by the time I got there I really need to use the ladies and after spending 20 headless-chicken mniutes trying to figure out just where these are I slipped into the first (and only) open stall I could, unbuttoned my jeans and plonked my self down. It was at this moment or pure joy that I realised that the door didn't have a latch and someone very abruptly disrupted my relief of finding a bathroom by charging right in.

You can imagine the situation - me, sitting there, my jeans around my ankles trying desperately to cover up any piece of skin i thought would be inappropriate to share (i realised once she had left that the skin i chose to cover up were my knees - um, huh?).

It didn't stop there, i was just recovering from my embarrassing uncovering when another woman brazenly shoved the door open to find me wide-eyed and very much exposed staring back at her.

Sigh. The rest of the day was lovely. We ambled along, checking out the (expensive) beautiful things for sale, reached the food tent/area and forgot all about "that stunning dress" or "those perfect-for-my-feet-shoes) and eagerly ordered some nourishment. Afterwards my two cousins and I found the beer tent where we sat, drinknig beer and mojitos It was lovely.

At this point I realised that Francois van Coke was sitting behind me (from Fokofpolisiekar) and I made the mistake of telling the Marja (she had previously watched their DVD with the lovely drummer and I). She promptyl tapped him on the shoulder, introduced me to him and carried on telling him how much she doesn't "really like your band name" but the DVD was very well-made and how she also came from an afrikaans background so she "can relate".

Me = stunned. Oh heavens.To be fair he was really chilled and actually chatted to me about Rocking the Daisies and their next gig.

We also met a staffy (spelling?) called 'Pablo'. Anyways here are some pics of the day:

I scribbled

I have a slow internet connection at home, so last night while I was waiting for my Gmail to open i started to scribble and was pretty chuffed with the result.

It's the lovely drummer boy's birthday soon so I want to make him a birthday card and thought a big gorilla would look cool. The other guy was just a doodle. Thanks slow internet!

Obviously it still needs some work and will be on way better birthday-card-paper, but what do you think?

Ps I'm relying on the lovely drummer's lazy online habits so that he doesn't actually see this. Knowing my luck (Murphy LOVEs me even though I've tried to end it with him countless times) the lovely drummer will check today.

Oh well. "Hi lovely drummer boy" ;)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Help me, feed me

I’m so sick and tired of my same boring old lunch everyday…Biscuits, rusks, sandwiches and a fruit of some kind (which I never end up eating…)

I’m definitely super grateful that I even get to have lunch cos I know there are lots of people out there that don’t but geez louise, you’d think I could be a little bit more creative in the luncheon food department!?

So, I did what any normal, pc-sitting-in-front-of-all-day working-class hero would do and Googled “Lunch Ideas”.

Sadly I couldn't find a site that gave me what I was really looking for...most of the sites seem to be a platform for advertising (which ANNOYS me - can you see the smoke coming out of my flaring nostrils? no? well it's there). So, help please?

Does anyone know of a good site that has really easy-to-make but scrumptious snack/luncheon ideas? My stomach would be most obliged.


Ps, what are your favourite lunchbox treats/meals?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smooth Hound Sharks

Hey everyone, I dunno bout you but for me this day is dragggggggging on too damn slowly.

I just wanted to let you all know that I think Smooth-Hound Sharks ( they're also called Dog-Sharks) are so beautiful. I didn’t even know the lil guys existed until today – but sadly they endangered. Apparently new information has established that Smooth-Hound Sharks only start mating when they are between 4-6 years old, and only give birth to one baby every two years (that’s a lot more than most people would have but still).

I just like them, they look friendly.

Also, last night my big brother (from another set of parents) The Coop came over for dinner and a pizza. I was checking my FaceBook page when he arrived and was looking at a friend of mine’s RTDs photo album when he snuck up behind me and says “Who’s that blonde girl?”
“I don’t know” I said [I didn’t]
“Go into that photo.” [So I clicked on the photo]
We both examine the girl.
“Go onto her profile” he says, [I obey]
We look at her profile.
“Go into her profile pics” [I do]
We look at her pics
“Go into that pic” [he points, I click]
It is here that it dawned on me that my big brother is using me to stalk random (but pretty) girls.

And I didn’t even hesitate. FaceBook is evillllllll.

Happy Tuesday lovely readers

Ps I had a chocolate chip cookie, rusks and a marmite sandwich for lunch, what did you have?

I got this image from here.  

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Weekend That Was

I was still recovering from my stretch from last weekend so tried to take this weekend easy. Turns out, taking it easy on the weekend isn’t always easy. This weekend I…

+ Helped the lovely drummer move
+ Went to the Castle in Cape Town
+ Realised my friend “Boomslang” has an amazing job
+ Found out about heritage sites in Africa most people don’t know exist through the Zamani Project (Boomslang's jobski)
+ Spent an evening in the sound dungeons
+ Went to bed early
+ Helped the lovely drummer boy move (again)
+ Went to wonderful Wal’s braai and met lovely Lola’s two beautiful twins
+ Ate some delicious Rib Burgers (braaied by thelovely drummer)
+ Went to the market at the Biscuit Mill
+ Met a dog called Pablo
+ Had a chat with Francois from Fokofpolisiekar
+ Drank Mojitos and &Union beer (Yum!)
+ Had a vegan wrap (tasted delicious)

What did you do this weekend?

Miss Bobby's Bobbyliscious Blog

Hello lovely readers! I'm so sorry I have been so quiet lately, I hurt my back pretty badly and spent as much time AWAY from any PC's as possible!

I am super excited to say that I was interviewed (yay me) by Miss Bobby from her Bobbylicious Blog.

If you want to read more about meeeeeee then just go here.

Also, if you want to avoid getting a speeding ticket, check out her rather funny (hilarious) comic here. Just cos i like it and think you should too. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

and speaking of wine...

I just love this secret wine cellars!

how magic, I definitely want one of these in my home one day.
I found them here.

red wine and my meds

Last night I went to see my aunt after work. She has just arrived in Cape Town from San Francisco. Unfortunately I'm still on painkillers for my back and quite naughtily drank red wine lastnight ater taking my pills.

The result: I completely zoned out and almost couldn't walk properly. My mind felt super fuzzy which I thought was quite fun but on reflection I can't really remember holding an intelligible conversation with any of my family members...I ended up face first in a ball on the couch.

I think I'll have another glass this evening

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Weekend That Was

I had so many plans for this weekend and was really looking forward to it but then I went ahead and stretched. The result: a pulled muscle/pinched nerve forcing me to remain horizontal for pretty much (almost) the entire weekend. This weekend i…

+ Finally signed up for internet banking
+ Watched about 6 movies
+ Hurt my back
+ Slept. A lot!
+ Was looked after so amazingly bestestly by the lovely drummer
+ Remembered why I love the lovely drummer boy (he’s super hot AND just awesome)
+ Started reading Lauren Beukes' "Zoo City" and am really enjoying it so far
+ Watched Animal Cops, can't believe the horrid things people do to animals

What did you do this weekend? 
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